Friday, February 29, 2008

Festering Whiney Vagitis

Tell me a story... ... ...

Almost died twice today... This is nothing new considering I drive on the fucked up streets of Orange County. I swear these people steal their licenses from the DMV and pretend to know what the hell they are doing. Idea; Get off the fucking cell phone, pull your head out of your ass, twaddle your twat on your own time- just get the fuck out of my way.

So I'm on my way to lunch; a CroMagnon Pre-Neanderthal human of sorts, you know the ones that you can't tell if they are female or male, decides to cut me off then slam on his/her brakes for no apparent reason. No there wasn't anyone in front of him/her ! Yes this scared the shit out of me and yes I think I peed my pants a little. . "Asshole" I scream. Waving my little birdy.
What I neglected to do was get a licence plate number so I can tell the world what a fucking lame he-she was!!

Just another self centered jerk on the road.

Speaking of jerks (second incident fast approaching) Can you believe that a brand new Mercedes just bought off the show room floor, don't come equipped with blinkers?
And did you know that corpes can drive? I didn't!

Now ponder this if you will; if I or you were to spend $50,000 or more on a car ( which if unfathomable to me) don't you think a blinker would be standard? Like a seat belt or a windshield or brakes? Then seriously WHAT THE FUCK?

Just another example of the incompetence I deal with on a daily basis. The car companies selling cars with no blinkers to dead people that don't have licences... Great!!

Yeah, a fucking blinker. If this isn't one of my pet peeves, so say the least!!!!!

So to all the Nazi's who own the road ( so you think). Holier than thou FUCKS!!!
If I had a chance I would knock you so far off your pedestal you would need a team of astronauts to recover you from non blinker using, Mercedes (or any other car for that matter) driving,
decrepit, cant see over the steering wheel, my roids hurt, my phone call is more important that your life, I own the road so eat a dick, my truck is so big- I over compensate for my small cock, non insurance purchasing, people that don't seem to give a fuck, USE YOUR BLINKER!!!

Shit like this happens to me every day so I'm sure I will be telling all of you what happens to me tomorrow on the road.

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