Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Lucid Enchantment

Lucid Enchantment

I know the way to Enchantment…….
and it isn’t very far away…..
I’ve seen its beauty in the moonlight…..
and in the resplendent light of day…….

I know the way to Enchantment…..
and I’ll take you there someday…….

A water in the desert, known only to a few…..
and I can’t think of anyone I’d rather show…….
than delightfully enchanting you…..

Few know the way to Enchantment…….
Fewer can get there when they know…….
But I know the way to Enchantment…..
and one day We’re going to go…….


Image From; http://farm2.static.flickr.com/1048/1176305114_b2c8a763b2.jpg

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